Here at Lincweld we offer some of the most competitive prices on high end Cobot robotic welding arms.

We can supply the machines along with full installation and training.

Being a trusted master distributors for Lincoln electric and Olympus technologies, we are confident in being able to identify a setup that will increase productivity without breaking the bank.

With additional software provided to make the job of programming your welds as easy as it can be, it is quick and easy to use, and just as easy to amend programs and add new parts.

Olympus only uses high spec equipment in our solutions, with the Dinse robot torch offering 100% duty cycle, ensuring that it can continue to deliver quality welds, part after part.

The solution is fully developed in-house at Olympus, so your support is fully provided by us, without the need for offshore partners. Your equipment warranties are UK based.


The benefits of cobot welding

A unique feature of a cobot is its flexibility and relative ease of use compared to other industrial robot applications. With the right software solutions, end-effectors and application kits, a robot can be quickly deployed for a wide range of welding tasks. Once operational, a cobot provides the following benefits.

Solving labor shortages

Finding qualified personnel is one of the biggest challenges facing welding companies. In doing so, there is no prospect that this will be solved in a short period of time. Companies that choose to automate the welding process can not only maintain their productivity, but also increase it without having to hire additional staff. In addition, it can also provide an added incentive for current staff to learn about advanced technology and thus be able to do more varied work, which can result in less turnover in the workforce.

Less waste

Although experienced welders can work with surprising accuracy, they still occasionally make mistakes. That means that occasionally products or parts have to be thrown away, and that costs money. With an automated process, errors are minimized and that means less throwing away.

Consistent precision

Cobots can work to the nearest tenth of a millimeter. In a repetitive task such as welding, this means that the robot will always perform the task identically, no matter how many times and for how long. No matter how experienced and skilled an employee is, they will never be able to work as accurately as a robot.

More productive

A collaborative robot needs no breaks and can basically work 24 hours a day. This makes it the perfect tool for scaling up production processes and taking on new customers or for meeting (seasonal) peaks in production demand.

Cost reduction

As production capacity increases, without increasing personnel costs, it becomes possible to produce more cheaply. The ROI of a collaborative robot is usually less than a year, given its low acquisition cost. So after a year, the cobot makes money and the cost per product can be reduced. A great way to maintain a strong position in a competitive market.

Increased safety

Cobot applications can contribute to a safer work environment. Not only do workers no longer have to perform tedious, dirty and potentially dangerous tasks, but the cobot itself has a range of built-in safety features.